Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wasting words on lower cases and capitals..

Kudos to anyone who knows what that's from.

Which is part of my post now, I've been thinking.

I am going to have a huge variety of music at my wedding reception.
From Elvis, to Al Green, to Avenged Sevenfold, to Metallica, and even some Michael Jackson.
You can see where this is going.

I know the older adults at the event will be a little irked by our "devil music," but it's who we are. It's what we listen to. It speaks to us, and puts some situations into words about our lives, things we could never say.

I'm budgeting in for a DJ, gonna start interviewing I guess after the PFDs come around, put a deposit down on that. ( that'll have to be after the venue, though.)

There is one decision that's been hard, though.
Finding "our" song.
Maybe we can have five songs. haha. Or ten. Or all of them?

I won't have things played that I won't listen to during the reception.
Why? So other people can enjoy it while I sit and look bored?
Eh, not that day.

Besides. My music taste is far better than most.
I guess that's a little one-sided of a comment, but I'll stand by it.

By the way.. sorry if this post is a little hard to read, my brain is frying from inputting time at work.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Here Goes Nothing..


So as it says in my about me, this is going to be a place to find updates and tidbits about the wedding being planned. This blog is going to be for me to keep some of my thought straight ( good luck with that), and to inform my family and friends who wish to read about my planning and updates.

For those who don't know, here's a quick runthrough.

I have already picked out my dress, I'll post some teaser photos when I get around to it.
My ring is from Tiffany ( Yay!)
The date is going to be around June 26th.. Depending on the venue, which we haven't picked yet, and when they're available around that time.
Colors are a dark purple, and a dark green.
Not too much of a theme planned, besides the little tidbits of tying his Irish and my Alaska Native heritages into the event.
I have decided on a cake, and will explain more about it in a later post.
I've built up a budget, and have been hashing out harder numbers for that budget, rather than the estimates I had.
I we will each have four members in our parties, ( bridesmaids, groomsmen.) I have yet to nail down my last maid.
I haven't found bridemaids dresses, they're a lot harder to choose out than mine is..

And Sean is.. Sean. Happy to let me make all the decisions in this process. x_x